Intelligence and life span are genetically linked - BIOCLIFF


Saturday, August 1, 2015

Intelligence and life span are genetically linked

Are you intelligent then you might able to live longer. The fact was proved for the first time is due to mainly how genes play role behind the intelligence and allow us to live longer. The very new research was published in the journal International Journal of Epidemiology.

Researchers analyzed the data from the twins to identify that around 95 per cent of the link is between the intelligence of the individual and lifespan is genetic. The research was undertaken within twin pairs where the brigher twin able to live longer than the normal twin. This was much between fraternal or non-identical twins than in identical.

Studies that compare genetically identical twins with fraternal twins –  who only share half of their twin’s DNA –   help distinguish the effects of genes from the effects of shared environmental factors such as housing, schooling and childhood nutrition.

Rosalind Arden, a research associate at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), said: “We know that children who score higher in IQ-type tests are prone to living longer. Also, people at the top of an employment hierarchy, such as senior civil servants, tend to be long-lived. But, in both cases, we have not understood why.

“Our research shows that the link between intelligence and longer life is mostly genetic. So, to the extent that being smarter plays a role in doing a top job, the association between top jobs and longer lifespans is more a result of genes than having a big desk.

“However, it’s important to emphasise that the association between intelligence and lifespan is small. So you can’t, for example, deduce your child’s likely lifespan from how he or she does in their exams this summer.”

The researchers focused at three different twin studies from three different countries like Sweden, the United States and Denmark where both intelligence and age of death was recorded, and where at least one twin in each pair had died.  Only twins of the same sex were included in the analysis.

On the reasons for the findings, Rosalind Arden said: “It could be that people whose genes make them brighter also have genes for a healthy body.  Or intelligence and lifespan may both be sensitive to overall mutations, with people with fewer genetic mutations being more intelligent and living longer. We need to continue to test these ideas to understand what processes are in play.”
This is the first study to test for a genetic association between intelligence and lifespan. 

Research Reference:
'The association between intelligence and lifespan is mostly genetic' was authored by Rosalind Arden, Michelle Luciano, Ian J Deeary, Chandra A Reynolds, Nancy L Pedersen, Brenda L Plassman, Matt McGue, Kaare Christensen and Peter M Visscher.
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